Collecting logs and driver status information for debugging HighPoint Controllers in Linux
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Collecting System Logs and Driver Information for Debugging HighPoint Controllers (Linux)
You will need to enter the Console to collect the following information.
Note, the “#” before each line represents the console prompt (this does not have to be entered).
1. Verify the CLI tool – please enter the following command and take a screenshot of what is reported:
2. Next, check the driver status using the following command - - please take a screenshot of what is displayed:
Example (in this case, the driver was not loading):
3.Next, generate the system’s PCI log. The pci.log includes information about each PCIe device installed into the system. Enter the following command, and attach a copy of the this log to the support case:
#lspci >pci.log
4.Next generate the drivermod log – this log includes a list of all active device drivers. Enter the following command and take a screenshot of the results:
#lsmod >drivermod.log
5.Next, enter the following command, copy the hptdrv.log to your current path, and submit it to support case.
#cp /var/log/hptdrv.log ./
6. Finally, generate a kernel log using the following command, and attach the log to your support case:
#dmesg >kernel.log